A Dreamed Love

Arthur Gillet

As a child, Arthur is fascinated by the idyllic love story between his grandparents, a beautiful Congolese woman married to a Belgian settler. But shortly after his grandmother’s death, the young director uncovers some family records which shatter his childhood memories.

Year : 2018
Length : 71'
Language(s) and subtitles : Vo Fr / St Eng et Nl
Filmmaking : Arthur Gillet
Credits :

Direction / Script : Arthur Gillet Image : Benjamin Morel
Sound : Cyril Mossé & Arthur Gillet Editing : Ariane Mellet

Sound Editing : Cyril Mossé
Music : Christelle Lassort
Mix : Michel Duprez et Peter Soldan
Animation : Alice Milani Comparetti
Production : Rosa Spaliviero & Ellen Meiresonne

Production : Atelier Graphoui
Coprodution Wallonie Image Production – W.I.P., RTBF et Media International
With the support of Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie- Bruxelles