
Rachel Marino

417 love songs
18 notebooks
49 years of career
13 gold records
1 Eurovision victory in 1986

Rosario Marino, an Italian immigrant, worker, then songwriter of ariety songs, left the factory to make a living.
Rachel, his daughter, director, takes a tender look at her father’s profession and his career.

Year : 2020
Length : 52'
Language(s) and subtitles : Vo Fr/It – St Fr/Nl/Eng
Filmmaking : Rachel Marino
Credits :

With Rosario : Marino Atria
Direction, Script, Animation, Image : Rachel Marino
Image : Pierre de Bellefroid
Soung : Ludovic Van Pachterbeke, Cyril Mossé
Editing : Simon Arazi
Mix : Bao-Anh Dinh
Sound design : Moaga et Teun Verbruggen

A production of Atelier Graphoui, in co-production with the CBA, the RTBF Belgian Television – Documentary Unit and the AJC! Atelier Jeunes Cinéastes. Produced with the help of the Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. With the support of Brouillon d’un rêve de la Scam and La Culture avec la Copie Privée.