China ‘87, the others

Jean-Pierre Outers, Violaine de Villers

Freed from time and any historical or political perspective, we are confronted with the Otherness of Chinese culture. We see in this film the opposite of the picturesque – a slice of quotidian life that may be banal, but fascinates us all the same. Is this a kind of exoticism? Yes, if exoticism means to recognize Otherness, to realize that you are the others’ Other and so you are every bit as ‘exotic’ as they are.

Year : 2017
Length : 60'
Language(s) and subtitles : /
Filmmaking : Jean-Pierre Outers, Violaine de Villers
Credits :

A film written and directed by Violaine de Villers and Jean-Pierre Outers. Editing : Sébastien Demeffe. Sound editing and mixer : Sébastien Vanderborght. A Production Dérives – Julie Freres. Coproduction Atelier Graphoui.

Link : Dérives